• Let Med Life Services help you feel confident that your workplace is prepared.

    OSHA REGULATION 29 CFR 1910.151 (b) (k)

    “In the absence of an infirmary, clinic or hospital in near proximity to the workplace which is used for the treatment of all injured employees, a person or persons shall be adequately trained to render first aid. Adequate first aid supplies shall be readily available.”  

    If there's an accident or illness at your workplace, being prepared and well-equipped can make all the difference.

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  • It takes the ambulance 10 minutes to arrive...It takes your employee less than 10 seconds to respond

    • For each minute defibrillation is delayed, the chance of survival is reduced approximately 10%. Early response is critical as 80% of sudden cardiac arrest victims survive if an AED is used within 1-3 minutes.
    • OHSA recommends the use of AEDs at every work site to improve survival rates for sudden cardiac arrest (OSHA TIB 10-12-17)

    Find out how easy and affordable it is to incorporate an AED into your workplace and start saving lives

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  • Med Life Services offers a comprehensive suite of first aid, safety and emergency preparedness products to help keep your business compliant and your employees safe.

    From First Aid Cabinets and Personal protective equipment to AEDs and Training, we carry a full line of top brands to meet your companies needs. Contact us for a complimentary site assessment to see how you can improve safety in your workplace.


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  • Preparing for a disaster or emergency can save lives

    As your single source provider, Med Life Services offers hundreds of disaster and emergency preparedness products. From Basic survival kits to custom corporate cabinets we've got you covered. Don't wait until its to late. You cant predict the future but you can prepare for it.


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Medical & Safety Supplies

A comprehensive line of First Aid & Safety
Supplies to meet all of your workplace needs
delivered directly to your doorstep.

medical and safety supplies

Onsite First Aid Service

Customizable first aid cabinets serviced by
your local representative on location.

onsite first aid service

Emergency preparedness

Preparing for a disaster or emergency
can save lives.

emergency preparedness

Our Safety and Disaster Services Include:

plane alaskan air


  • First Aid Kits, Portable & Wall Mounted
  • Medical Supplies,including products for onsite nurses stations
  • Trauma Management
  • Safety Equipment & Supplies
  • Earthquake & Hurricane Kits
  • Disaster Preparedness
  • Airport Safety
  • Emergency Preparedness Kits & Corporate Cabinets

Need Service Now? Fill Out the Form Below to Get Started!

Our goal at Med Life Services is to deliver the highest quality product at the best price. While most of our products come at a considerable cost savings we support our competitive price commitment with a price match guarantee.

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logo med life services medium A family owned business founded in 1998, Med Life Services is a full service medical supply company specializing in First Aid, Disaster preparedness and Safety in the workplace.  

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